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miriam a gitelman
architecture portfolio
Spring 2020: Mattermorphosis
Fall 2021: Waiting
RAW Expo 2021
Spring 2021: Transference
Spring 2022: Sightline Park
Fall 2023: Youth on Park
interdisciplinary design
salsa pa'lante marketing
Fall 2021: Re//generation
Summer 2021: PRYDE student workbook
medium presidency 2021-22
medium experience 2020-21
Summer 2020: LMS brand redesign
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b.arch thesis: the guide to lighthouse care and keeping
youth on park: affirmative architecture in east harlem
sightline park: land reclamation through architecture
waiting: multi-purpose housing on campus
mattermorphosis: regenerative agriculture
RAW Expo 2021: an interactive pavilion
transference: reconstructing space
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